
Aves Housing  has 270 bed spaces. We provide supported accommodation single homeless men and women from 18 years.

Clients we offer tenancy related support

All clients of Aves Housing are referred to us via a number of referral agencies with HIGH to MEDIUM support needs.

Their risk factors could be:

Street homeless – with a chain number

16-17 or 55+

Drug and alcohol  willing to engage with local services


Ex-offender – with a HIGH to MEDIUM risk based on the index offense

MAPPA 1,2 or 3

Ex Care or Foster Background

Domestic Violence

Diagnosed Physical Health Issues

Ex – forces

Street Activities

What Type of Support do we provide?

Tenancy related support (support to assist you sustaining your tenancy). that we offer are aimed at helping people live independently in their homes.  The level of support varies from twice a week floating visits to projects staffed from 9 am to 5 pm and some overnight and security staff.
Meetings are held at least once a month. These typically last for 1 hour where problems are discussed and the clients are encouraged to develop solutions for themselves and in the shared community homes as a group with the more capable clients assisting or peer mentoring the less able.

Clients are encouraged to get involved in all aspects of the trust with responsibility ranging from giving help and advice to becoming a full board member.  Clients are also given the opportunity to engage in volunteering for the trust. Work experience opportunities range from assisting new clients to settle into specific jobs that enable each shared home to operate as in an independent community.

Examples of these could be:

We will always provide tenancy related support:

Aves Housing through its Partnership agreement with Greenwich Lets will also provide
  • increased letting support and assistance with claiming HB and other welfare benefits due to high client turnover
  • Assistance and support with any DWP medical reviews – that may or may not affect your tenancy
  • Controlling access, facilitating and monitoring site visits from contractors and other visitors/professionals

Ongoing support for non-tenancy related issues will include:


Support Planning

Support Planning is a vital part of our plan and with an initial referral from a suitable agency with an assessment of Risk and Needs. Our own Risk and Needs Assessment form the integral monitoring of the progress of our clients.

A Support Plan Example

C1.1 Support Plan


Support might also include:

How would I get Supported Accommodation?

Your referral agency can use our Referral Page to let us know the project in which you are interested then we will arrange for one of our team to complete an assessment of your needs.

There is often a waiting list and you will need 2 complete the 3 stage assessment process before being accepted. If you feel that supported housing may benefit you, you should bring this up at your next review meeting both if you are in a hospital or with your care coordinator.

What happens when I get a job?

Most probably you will be entitled to have your rent paid by housing benefit for 28 days after you start work.  We will also pay for your support costs from that time also.
After 3 months in work your tenancy will be evaluated and, if you are ready, we will start to look into a more secure accommodation closer to your job.  Of course, this process is flexible and will always be driven by your needs and goals.

What happens when you leave the project?

We will always offer after support for as long as you need it through our network of clients past and present.

What would this look like in the Licence Agreement ?

The licence agreement is the document you will sign to agree to accept the Care, Support and Supervision. Your referral agency has told us you need support to sustain your tenancy with us.

See below for the summary:

Details of Care, Tenancy Related Support and Supervision Offered

You will be offered Care around (but not limited to) the following:

Guiding and assisting a person with a disability as they go about tasks that would be relatively simple for a person without such a disability: buying food, preparing food etc.  Carrying out tasks on behalf of a disabled person because they do not have the physical or mental capacity to do those things at all, not even with supervision: dealing with correspondence, arranging appointments etc.   Life skills development such as advice & guidance, filling in forms,  helping you develop social skills through house meetings and group interaction and support with moving on into independent accommodation and job searching. Dietary Advice is given. 

You will be offered Tenancy Support around (but not limited to) the following:  

A risk,needs assessment & support plan that is regularly reviewed.  Help to claim and manage housing and other benefits, fulfilling tenancy conditions and develop housing management skills. Assisting with arranging minor repairs to equipment and appliances. Assistance with Maintaining the Health & Safety of the Building. Advise on the use/maintenance of domestic equipment and appliances.  Arranging adaptations in connection with the your disability.  Advising and assisting with Housing related matters, i.e. rent, Benefit claims, antisocial behaviour issues and neighbour and tenancy disputes etc.  Assistance with Budgeting Advice and Assistance.   Signposting and keeping appointments at GP, dentist, optician services, Substance Misuse & Mental Health.  Tenancy Sustainment support includes budgeting for move on and assistance to obtain ID, open a bank or Credit Union account.   General wellbeing- reconnecting family, joining a gym, religious services.  Assisting with employment, and help with organising eventual move on to independent accommodation.  You will also be able to get involved with the organisation including involvement on our RSL recognised Tenant Panel.  Failure to engage with these services can result in the ending of the licence.

You will be offered Supervision around (but not limited to the following):

Supervision in your project at least once a month.  A minimum of 3 hours direct Contact at least every 7 days.  monthly onsite meetings.   A 24-hour concierge service. The service operates 365 days per year. This service provides for onsite concierge staff and a rapid response team to assist any emergency issues that require preventative action or a quick resolution to protect the property and maintain tenancies. 

Hostel Rules 

The Licensee has read and agrees to the terms of this licence and will abide by the conditions of the Hostel Rules including reference to: Any illegal activity.  Antisocial behaviour.  Loud music.  Guests past 9 pm. Smoking in the hostel. Failure to recycle waste.  Failure to join a Credit Union. Not saving for your move on.  Adding or removing or Beds Furniture or cluttering your room.  If we suspect illegal activity in the Hostel we reserve the right to search your room in your presence.  Any of the above may result in an immediate termination of your licence and disposal of any items left in your room after 48hrs. 

Service Charges: You and the other occupants of the hostel are responsible for the utilities as agreed in the pre-tenancy document. Aves Housing will not be responsible for any Gas Electric or Water bills for your hostel. Housing Benefit does not include such payments and Aves Housing is strictly forbidden according to DWP Rules from contributing from Housing Benefit payments. We will support you and the other occupants in managing these payments. This may include notifying the utility company that you are the bill payer.